Academic Associates PeaceWorks

Community Relations Building Consultancy for NPDC

Community Relations Building Consultancy for Nigeria Petroleum Development Company (June 2013-July 2014)

Recognizing AA PeaceWorks’ ability to enter and especially work with Uzere and other problematic communities, AA PeaceWorks contract was novated to NPDC as Community Relations Building Consultants in OML 30. AA PeaceWorks was charged with building a more proactive, grassroots based relationship between the community and the company. For example, through its proactive approach to community engagement, AA PeaceWorks was able to use its many years of experience to build cooperation between NPDC and Uzere community, whose flow station had been closed down for two years after a dispute with SPDC.

As community relations building consultants, AA PeaceWorks facilitated constant dialogues between company and community on matters affecting both communities and company; regular Town Hall meetings, hiring and working with staff that actually live in the communities, and regular visits by other project staff to the communities. A 20-person team from AA PeaceWorks (12 salaried and 8 gratis) had worked with NPDC unofficially from July to December 2013 and officially from January to June 2014 as Community Relations Building Consultants.