Welcome to Academic Associates PeaceWorks

Our Mission

‘Building capacities for managing conflicts through studies,
intervention and peace awareness in the society’ 


Objectives of AAPW

  • To build awareness of the need and possibilities of peace in society.
  • To empower individuals and groups in building peace, through training and networking.
  • To develop the framework for the peace process through action-oriented research and intervention in current or potential conflicts.


Academic Associates PeaceWorks
Academic Associates PeaceWorks

Climate Change and Conflict

Coping with Climate Change as a Cause of Conflict in Coastal Communities of West Africa


Academic Associates PeaceWorks

Mitigating Climate Change

Advancing Community Capacity to Mitigate Climate Change and Develop Green and Blue Economy in the Niger Delta


Academic Associates PeaceWorks

Niger Delta Dialogue

Facilitating a dialogue between different stakeholders in the Niger Delta with the objective of stemming the recurrence of armed militancy in the region.


Most Recent

Climate Change Community Summaries


Climate Change, Insecurity, and Conflict in the Niger Delta-Nembe Introduction Academic Associates PeaceWorks (AAPW) is implementing a project...